Technology Locomotive in Indonesian Reality

March 16, 2022

President Joko Widodo at one time alluded to the activities carried out with Mark Zuckerberg virtually. The President said that he was surprised by the development of the metaverse that Facebook has with its virtual world. This is certainly like a jolt that wakes us up from our deep sleep. Technology companies and their innovations have become the world's technological powerhouses. So how is our nation's readiness in this world's technological locomotive carriage?

The use of technology will certainly make human life easier. The role of information technology is no less great. The evolution of computers has helped humans in making decisions that have a higher level of difficulty. It is not wrong that President Joko Widodo had mentioned the role of Civil Servants (PNS) who will be replaced by Robots.

Even though the statement is interpreted as an expression of hyperbole, it may actually be replaced. Was it a dream? We may need to reflect on the automotive industry. Among them, how a company like Ford lost to Toyota's line of automation in the 1990s. The role of human labor in car assembly is slowly being replaced by robots. Of course this can happen to all industries and state apparatus.