The Macdonald-Laurier Institute

The Macdonald-Laurier Institute for Public Policy is a Canadian leader in producing high-quality public policy research. It is the top ranked public policy think tank in the Canadian nation’s capital and has emerged as a thought leader on a wide range of policy matters including economic and fiscal policy, Aboriginal economic opportunity, health care, innovation, and foreign and defence policy.

MLI’s work has earned accolades from international organizations.  It is one of the top ranked think tanks in Canada according to the University of Pennsylvania's annual rankings and was one of the top three New Think Tanks in the world in its early years. Its first book project, The Canadian Century, was awarded the Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award in 2011 for an outstanding publication dedicated to a free society. MLI won a 2012 Templeton Freedom Award for special achievement by a young public policy institute. And recently it won an international think tank competition by the Atlas Network where the prize was a collaboration with two California filmmakers to produce a video showcasing MLI’s work on how to bring about the full participation of Canada’s Aboriginal communities in the mainstream of economic life.